Organic Residuals Management

We provide consulting and management for organic residuals while working towards "upcycling" waste into salable products to create a circular economy for our clients.

Conventional waste management companies charge by the weight of waste. That model disincentivizes waste management companies to be innovative and environmentally responsible. SRG believes by investing resources to reduce the amount of waste being produced at the source and upcycling the material into products or raw materials for other companies, we can make sustainability an economical reality.

How can we help you?

Have you wondered whether there is a way to reduce your cost of disposing organic residuals from your manufacturing operations? Would you prefer to have your waste residuals repurposed and contribute toward making your plant operations more sustainable?

We may be able to help you do both as we are for other food and beverage manufacturers. In most cases, our clients have materially reduced their operating expenses associated with organic residuals disposal while eliminating use of landfills and achieving landfill-free status.

Our goal is to be able to turn your waste residuals into salable products. We do that by processing your residuals — i.e. drying, screening, milling, agglomating, pelletizing — to create a value-added product.


Organic Waste Residuals

Meet regulations, reduce costs, improve sustainability

When you partner with SRG for your residual waste management, you reduce operating costs and implement sustainable environmental solutions. Your non-hazardous organic waste may benefit consumers or other companies rather than incurring landfill and disposal costs.

Current client examples...

  • Spent coffee grounds = manufactured fire logs, fuel pellets, grilling pellets, agglomated fertilizer, potting soil, and compost
  • Liquid food wastes = fertilizer
  • Food residuals = animal feed

We manage materials such as…

  • Bulk food processing residuals
  • Pre-consumer packaged food and beverage products
  • Plastic, paper and cardboard / total facility recycling
  • Non-hazardous organic industrial wastes, by-products, and wastewater
  • Pulp and paper refuse

Innovative Solutions

Audit, implement, and operate

We find innovative ways to reuse and recycle food processing waste and water treatment residuals in ways that benefit the environment, meet regulations, and reduce operational costs. We recycle organics through land application, composting, manufactured soil, anaerobic digestion, substituting for commercially manufactured material (co-product), animal feed, and energy/fuel production. Our goal is to process your residuals and convert it to a salable product.

SRG can provide many waste and waste diversion services, including:

  • Waste audits
  • Transportation and repurposing of residual waste
  • Permitting, implementation, and operation of organic waste recycling and management programs
  • Permitting and regulatory approval
  • Food waste recycling, reuse, land application, etc.
  • Zero landfill planning and implementation
  • Lagoon and tank cleaning services

We manage materials such as…

  • Bulk food processing residuals
  • Pre-consumer packaged food and beverage products
  • Plastic, paper and cardboard / total facility recycling
  • Non-hazardous organic industrial wastes, by-products, and wastewater
  • Pulp and paper refuse

Case Study: How We Repurpose Coffee Waste

Sustainable Resources Group specializes in repurposing coffee waste, having done so with one of the largest soluble coffee producers worldwide for over 15 years.

SRG owns and operates a spent coffee grounds (SCG) upcycling plant onsite at the client's beverage plant, processing 25,000 tons per year of SCG.

Historically we have used the dry SCG as the major component of a synthetic fire log (JavaLog) and the wet SCG as a soil amendment, compost additive, and substrate. More recently SRG developed the use of dry SCG as a lubricant with a patent for use in biomass pellet production, trade named JavaLube®.