Coffee Residual Collection Program

map of the united states composed of coffee beans on a burlap sack

Micro-Hauling: The Future of Coffee Residual Management

Our innovative Micro-Hauling Coffee Residual Collection Program offers a sustainable solution for businesses to manage small volumes of coffee waste effectively.

We specialize in collecting less-than-truckload quantities of coffee residuals, including virgin coffee, spent grounds, and chaff, diverting them from landfills and repurposing them for soil blending, composting, land application, or upcycling.

By participating in our micro-hauling program, you’ll:

  1. Efficiently manage small volumes of coffee waste
  2. Reduce your carbon footprint
  3. Embrace the circular economy
  4. Enhance your brand’s sustainability profile
  5. Save on waste disposal costs
  6. Engage positively with your community

We provide a live dashboard to track your coffee residual generation, offering valuable insights into your sustainability efforts. Additionally, we create a compelling sustainability story for your marketing initiatives, helping you showcase your commitment to environmental responsibility.

Micro-Hauling, Macro Benefits

Join forward-thinking businesses in transforming small-scale coffee waste into big opportunities. Our micro-hauling approach ensures that even modest amounts of coffee residuals contribute to a greener future, benefiting your bottom line and the planet.