The Leading Experts in
Spent Coffee Management
and Upcycling

We have over 70 years of experience managing food processing residuals
with a specialization in coffee by-products.

Since 1986, we’ve been instrumental in reducing costs and enhancing sustainability for a wide range of industries.

Our turnkey, beneficial-use waste management solutions, have helped numerous food and beverage producers, industrial manufacturing companies, water and waste utilities, and municipalities achieve zero-landfill goals while significantly cutting down on waste management costs.

  • 0

    tons of spent coffee grounds
    managed (annually)

  • 0

    gallons of liquid coffee production residuals
    managed (annually)

Beneficial-Use Waste Management Solutions

  • birds-eye view of ogranic coffee beans surrounded by colorful organic fruits and vegetables

    Organic Residuals

    Innovative recycling of food processing waste into valuable, eco-friendly products and resources.

  • birds-eye view of wastewater treament retention ponds

    Liquid Residuals

    Efficient management and beneficial reuse of high-strength process water from food and beverage production.

  • white semi-truck with green Sustainable Resources Group logo on door, surrounded by piles of dirt


    Sustainable collection and repurposing of small-volume coffee residuals for businesses of all sizes.

  • white semi-truck with green Sustainable Resources Group logo on door, surrounded by piles of dirt

    Trucking Services

    Versatile fleet providing efficient, sustainable transport for diverse organic and liquid residuals management needs.